Enjoy your Success
Without the Stress
Toronto’s Life Coach exclusively for Professionals

Successful, but Unsatisfied?
Have you achieved high levels of career and financial success, yet find yourself unable to fully enjoy your success because of the stress that comes with it?
stress from the pressures of juggling multiple responsibilities
stress related to health issues, whether in yourself, family, or friends
stress from unexpected disruptions, for example COVID
stress related to the ups and downs of personal relationships
stress related to feeling like something is missing, and wondering “Is this all there is?”
You’ve worked hard to earn your success, and deserve to enjoy it free from stress
+ Let David show you how
Fully enjoy your hard-earned success
Stress is an inner experience, not an outer circumstance. By exploring new mental strategies and skills, you can take command of reducing your stress level, even if your outer circumstances remain unchanged. The key is accessing untapped inner potential, resources, and resiliency, and cultivating a thriving mind.
…But where does true success really develop?
Many successful professionals have fulfilled the external needs of the first four levels of Maslow’s hierarchy, which opens up the opportunity of also fulfilling the inner needs of the fifth level. Complete human success consists not only of outer accomplishments and material possessions, but also inner accomplishments and fulfillment, including the cultivation of a thriving mind. I teach my clients the fifth level of success so they can gain inner command over their stress level and discover authentic purpose, clarity and fulfillment.
+ Ready to learn more? Register for a free first session

Make the Most of Your Life
The MindThrive mentoring program is designed to unlock your inner “more”
by developing self-command and authentic purpose, so you can:
+ Learn more about the MindThrive mentoring program with a free discovery call with David

Live a Greater Life with Less Stress
Schedule a FREE Discovery Call
Reveal a compelling image of a fulfilling future and identify the obstacles holding you back. Start Here
Learn the secrets of success
Discover time-tested methods and mindsets to master the fifth level of your success
Enjoy your success without the stress
Maximize your potential for both outer and inner success with less stress
I’ve experienced several “Aha!’ moments as David offers me new ways of looking at things. I am feeling energized and empowered as I see more possibilities open to me.
Kitty, Vancouver Island
Meet David, Toronto’s Life Coach for Professionals
I was “successful.”
I had everything I thought I needed to meet the definition of success: I had a thriving career as a partner in a law firm, I had built a high net worth, I had the house and material possessions, and everything I had been led to expect should result in a satisfying and enjoyable life.
But I was stressed out. Almost all the time.
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Under the facade of the success I was having, the combined demands of my career, the stress of several illnesses and deaths in my family, and my related family responsibilities were creating undiminishing pressure, leading me to acquire symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Eventually, I was also diagnosed with a chronic lung infection which cut into my physical energy, limiting the amount of work I could accomplish in a day. Medicine wasn’t helping, and I felt emotionally depleted by the end of each day. I was afraid of how colleagues and clients might judge me if they found out how I was feeling physically and emotionally. I felt like everyday I was waking up to push the same boulder up the same hill, and getting nowhere.
I was stuck.
So I decided I needed to make some significant changes to my life if I wanted to avoid spending the rest of my life feeling successful but unsatisfied.
I started with making some changes to how I was working, and my mindset around what a successful career looked like. I discovered new ways to take care of myself, both physically and emotionally, and invested in letting go of hurtful mindsets from my past that were holding me back. I studied from the masters of personal development, started paying more attention to mindful self-awareness, and carefully rewrote the narratives I was telling myself about what I was capable of doing, having and becoming.
I’ve discovered that success, and quality of life, have two aspects: the outer and the inner. Developing the inner quality of my life allows me to more fully enjoy the material quality of life that outer success brings. I have never stopped wanting success, but now I have a broader definition of success, and I create it with limited stress.
For the past number of years, removing the stress and anxiety from success is what I have been teaching others to do. Whether coaching one-on-one or teaching to groups, I have seen the impact removing the stress and anxiety from the pursuit of success can have on an individual.
If you are succeeding in many areas of your life, but struggling to balance it with satisfaction, I would love to help you too.
Certified Success Principles Trainer - Jack Canfield
Certified Meditation Instructor - Deepak Chopra & Chopra Center
Certificate in Mindfulness Studies - University of Toronto
Free Download
Stop The Stress
Four simple exercises you can use to reduce your stress and reset your mind back to success.